Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Mission in Life and Mexico

My mission in life is to honor, glorify and magnify Christ in everything I do. Jesus has redeemed me from a life of sin and death to being alive with Him so I want to make much of him and glorify Him the best of my ability in all I do. I believe the way that God has ordained for me to honor Him is by being a missionary teacher in Mexico. God has given me a desire to proclaim His gospel through my life and teaching to orphans in Anapra, Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. I believe that God uses missions to break our ties to our native country and thus to this world. When we give up our country for Christ to live in another we break our ties to this world and prepares our minds and hearts for our real home in heaven. I think this is especially true being Americans because our country is very rich and for the most part everything need or want is provided for us. When we give up our promise to wealth I think that it makes it much easier to give up the so called ‘pleasures’ of this world and thus brings us closer to God. I think that God also uses missions to count every gain in this life as loss compared to the suppressing excellence of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to read your blog A.J. and especially of your desire to make much of Christ as a missionary right now. Keep up the good work and I will enjoy being able to keep up with your adventures to Mexico through your blog.


Uncle Mark

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