Friday, July 17, 2009

I am really glad to be back in Mexico; God is teaching me a lot through this time here. This part one of my overview of my first seven weeks in Mexico

This has been a very good first few weeks in Mexico. I have seen God through this time in ways I never imagined. God has always used Mexico to bring me closer to Himself and that was one of the things I was looking forward to the most about this trip. But this time God is really working in me more than I had expected by this time.

It was good to see the kid’s excitement at the arrival of my family and I, especially considering we hadn’t been to the orphanage for more than five months. But when we stepped out of the car about five kids ran and greeted us. It was really good to see everyone again and to be back in Mexico. At the beginning of my first week I had mixed feelings about being here and whether God really wanted me here. But as that week went on God gave me peace, comfort and joy about being here. On Wednesday of my first week I wasn’t feeling well and that evening I threw up. Right after that though I felt better again and I have felt well ever since. Kristina told me that it was probably just my stomach getting used to Mexico again because everyone she knows who has stayed in Mexico from other countries for a while has gotten sick the same way their first week. One thing I have really enjoy is that Kristina and Emmis have put me in charge of the kids while doing an activity with them a couple times. Another highlight has been that Emmis and Kristina are giving me more work to do and more responsibility and I am very glad for that. My job here consists of keeping the outside of the orphanage clean and supervising and helping the kids as they do different activities during the day.

Sunday Services at the Orphanage

Rivers of Mercy Children's Home Video Short

Rivers of Mercy Childern's Home